TRAIN FROM LITTLEHAMPTON 5km Train journey: 1 hour 45 minutes, about £26
TRAIN FROM BRIGHTON 39km Train Journey 1 hour, about £15
This night ride will start at 12am (midnight) from the Polish War Memorial and at around 160km with two stops at 24hour Petrol Stations (Eashing near Godalming 73km and North Heat 108km) we aimto have breakfast at Climping Beach Cafe at 9am.
Afterwards, there is a short ride to Littlehampton to catch the train, or if anyone wants to do a 200km Audax DIY, then why not ‘trade up’ and ride along the coast to Brighton, for a shorter and cheaper train journey back.
For anyone who has done the Dunwich Dynamo, this will be similar, but with more hills andwithout hordes of other cyclists.
On Easter Friday (7th April) we will meet at the Polish War Memorial (A40 Ruislip/Northolt) just before midnight, so the ride will actually be during the early hours of Saturday the 8th April … if you are boking train tickets home, make sure you get the right date!