West London and Chilterns Cycling … plus loads more

ENTER RACE 7.8 HERE.. WEDNESDAY 19th July 7.30pm on Wahoo RGT


You can’t hold that man Claes back, he just oozes class and with 100 metres to go stood up and sped across the finish line ahead of Alisdair McAlpine. Alisdair though had a good result with Jan Vana being pushed back into fourth by Alisdair’s Glasgow United Team Mate, James Melville. Yet another race with Glasgow United in second and third? Surely they are due a win soon?

Aileen Davidson and Maria Witzke ensured West London Ladies stay top of the Ladies league whilst they battle it it out for the Ladies League.

But something really hot is bubbling up in the Six of the Best competition. Although Alisdair and Jan sit on top of the table … they have ridden 7 races, whilst Wouter Claes, Grant Webb, Yngve Holtan, Jeppe Snaever and Jorgen Van Bers could all propel themselves into contention after the next race which will be their sixth …. don’t miss race 7.8 on 19th July at 7.30pm UK Time! It’s a bit exotic too, set in Dominica.


NEXT UP … from West London to the West Indies, Race 7.8 is set in Dominica!

ENTER RACE 7.8 HERE.. WEDNESDAY 19th July 7.30pm on Wahoo RGT

It was great to see so many of the people who are currently riding the July Chase the Yellow competition found the legs to turn out for the West London Race sandwiched between two stages … absolute stars all of you! From 73 sign ups, 42 starters and 37 finishers…. we guess a few were suffering from the night before though!

West London VR Race 7.7
1Wouter Claes [ṀṚ] ṀṚ21:40.94.27100
2Alasdair Mcalpine21:42.3 + 1.4014.6299
3James Melville21:46.6 + 5.6524.3898
4Jan Vana (NopinzR3R) NPR3R21:47.6 + 6.6494.2597
5Rob Miller 3R21:57.0 + 16.0983.9896
6Jørgen van Bers [яʀ] яʀ21:57.5 + 16.5064.2995
7Johan Oelofse sanz21:57.9 + 16.9884.3294
8Stevie Couper22:16.4 + 35.4244.2793
9 Jeppe Snæver R3R BlackSheep22:17.1 + 36.1374.992
10CARL DICKASON (SANZ)22:43.7 + 1:02.7043.6891
11K. Ing/tubby 🙂 r3r 3R22:44.4 + 1:03.4153.8390
12Ingmar Van Bers [ЯƦ] Ra22:45.4 + 1:04.4544.1289
13Craig Jones22:45.7 + 1:04.7703.9388
14 Irimia Daniel (AeSRT) AeSRT22:47.9 + 1:06.9984.4587
15Stu Thorn23:20.7 + 1:39.7343.5186
16YNGVE HOLTAN23:24.9 + 1:43.9823.5485
17Gautam Thakkar23:27.8 + 1:46.8664.184
18Matthew Feely23:28.9 + 1:47.9383.3783
19Thomas Alsop23:44.7 + 2:03.7933.3982
20Grant Webb23:50.0 + 2:09.0613.381
21ANDREW WALKER24:11.0 + 2:30.0723.4380
22AL MARCHY (c)24:11.6 + 2:30.6152.779
23THIERRY LAFITTE (M)24:11.9 + 2:30.9223.2978
24G. S@NTOS24:35.7 + 2:54.7903.0377
25Top Jimmy24:35.9 + 2:54.9783.3976
26Aileen Davidson24:37.0 + 2:56.0813.1875
27Brett Smith24:53.4 + 3:12.4892.874
28Robert Gilmour24:54.1 + 3:13.1343.3573
29Chema Carceller (C)25:05.6 + 3:24.6543.1772
30Russ Eggar25:43.2 + 4:02.2462.6771
31Wray Darren25:55.0 + 4:14.0412.3270
32Rick Van der laan26:48.4 + 5:07.4382.8269
33Harry Smits TLCC27:16.7 + 5:35.7482.5668
34Filipe Serrano27:47.5 + 6:06.5712.2767
35Migu Canada27:52.2 + 6:11.2502.2966
36Maria. cristina Witzke(WLC/GACT)27:53.5 + 6:12.5381.9565
37Oscar Carceller30:22.6 + 8:41.6871.6564