Il fait beau, the weather was nice, 30 riders, several punctures, beer at the Tea Shack (for some) which seemed to fuel some fast times up to Harefield … a cracking day out, the picture to prove it are below.
And, as we’d had a Whatsapp discussion about the Third of September, we just couldn’t resist stealing some more lines from The Temptations’ songs for this post’s headline! In fact, Robert Melton and Dave Morrison had prearranged to have a long chat during the ride to try and decide Norman Whitfield’s greatest production ever … 10 seconds it lasted, they both agreed Papa Was A Rollin’ Stone straight away! A good job we had those punctures to keep us entertained instead.
Great to see Hang Pang back today, sadly terminal sidewall punctures meant he had to abandon early in the ride … but we look forward to seeing him back next week.